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                                                                                   REGULAR MEETING
                                                                                   November 20, 2019

The Poland Township Board of Trustees held a regular meeting November 20th, 2019 at the Poland Township Government Center located at 3339 Dobbins Road Poland, Ohio.

Ralph Sandy leads the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Scharville does roll call. Ungaro, Kempers and Wollet are present.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the Special meeting minutes dated 10-09-2019 as well as the Regular Meeting minutes dated 10-09-2019 and 11-07-2019 Special meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes-Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to authorize payment for all outstanding bills for the Township. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Township Resolutions

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #19-34 Nuisance Notice.

  • 5969 Struthers Road
  • 5969 Struthers Road (rear lot)

 Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #19-35 to transfer from the general fund to the road levy fund in the amount of $13,200.  Seconded by Mrs. Wollet.  Mr. Canter explains the purpose of the transfer is to cover county auditor fees charged to administrator tax collection and disbursement for Poland’s levy. Voting yes- Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


The Board recognizes Ralph Sandy with a certificate for turning in a large amount of money he found at a consignment store that someone had left. 


Mr. Canter is present to give financial report.

October:  Revenue- $310,744

                  Expenditure- $1,058,947

Mr. Canter explains the large discrepancy is expenditures vs. receipts due from the road projects. And proceeds were collected in February and disbursements now are being made.


Mr. Filicky is present to give report.


Mr. Scharville explains the recycling area cannot accept paint cans, aerosol cans, tv’s (appliances) or tires.


Mr. Bob Monus is present to give monthly report.

  • 3 New structures valuation- $915,895; Fees-$6,424
  • 9 additional/ improvements- valuation-$201,500; fees-$1,424
  • 10 misc. permit-$50; 3 appeals valued at $825; 51 violations for the month; total valuation- $1,117,395; total fees-$8,723.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve refund to Tom Nicholudis for ZP #6979 in the amount of $9.00. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve resignation letter from Megan McCaslin effective 11-14-2019. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the announcement of applications being accepted to the Zoning Commission and Zoning Appeal Boards in the local paper. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Tom Monus is present to give monthly report.

Mr. Diorio speaks briefly on the road paving invoices with the Board.


Chief Goodin is present to give monthly report.

Mr. Ungaro rescinded the offer to part-time officer Anthony LaBerto. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Patricia McQuillan 3005 Southwind Trail, expresses her concern for her road that was paved that it does not look like it was sealed together correctly in the center. She also asked asked for more detail about the zoning change.

Mrs. Tiberio 2228 Clyde Street, speaks regarding the house that caught fire on her street. And nothing has been done with it over the years.

Minnie Balough 2215 Clyde Street, expresses her concern about the drainage by her residence.

Karen Bush 2378 Clyde Street, expresses her concern also about the drainage by her residence and the house that was next to the fire.

Rich Wroblewski 7376 Elmland Drive, asked the Board for an update on his last meeting about the road paving  by his house which may cause water drainage issues, and the Boards informed him they are still working on resolving the issue and explains what options they have.

Mr. Tiberio 2228 Clyde Street, speaks about the dim street light on 616 and Clyde which is usually out or very dim.

Mr. Ungaro motions to adjourn at 6:55 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


Eric C. Ungaro, Chairman                                                         
Edward Kempers, Trustee
Joanne Wollet, Trustee                                                         
Paul J. Canter, Fiscal Officer