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                                                                            REGULAR MEETING
                                                                            December 09, 2020

The Poland Township Board of Trustees held a regular meeting December 9, 2020 at the Poland Township Government Center located at 3339 Dobbins Road Poland, Ohio.

Mr. Ungaro calls the meeting to order.  

Chief Goodin leads the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Scharville does roll call. Ungaro, Kempers and Wollet are present.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the regular minutes dated November 11, 2020. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes - Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to authorize payment for all outstanding bills for the Township. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #20-28: 2020 Final Appropriations. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #20-29: 90 Day Appropriations. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Zone Change ZC-02-20 for Universal Development. Mr. Ungaro asked first time if anyone was against the zone change. Rosanna O’Neil 5645 Clingan Trail, spoke about her concerns. Mr. Ungaro asked for the second time if anyone was against the zone change.  Michael Perrett 5339 Clingan Trail, expresses his thoughts about making the buffer a little bit bigger, if possible. Mr. Ungaro asked for the third time if anyone was against the zone change. Betty Perrett 5339 Clingan Trail, wants to know who would be held accountable about the water issues and they received no response but to fix it their self. Mr. Ungaro asks three times for anyone to speak in favor of this zone change.  No one spoke. Mr. Ungaro asked Mrs. Wollet if she had any questions, her question was directed to Mr. Monus, about how many people and who received letters about the zone change. Mr. Monus explained the letters were sent out to people who live on adjacent properties and was sent out when the official zone change was going to occur. Ronald Anderson, Universal Development said they never received any calls or letters about complaints.  Mrs. Wollet inquiries about the retention pond plan that was part of this project. Zone change was approved.  Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Canter reports the financial report:

                        October 2020                                                          November 2020

                Revenue- $735,633.02                                                   Revenue- $84,061.06
             Expenditure- $645,506.00                                              Expenditure- $260,510.89

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the new 4-year electric rate with Energy Harbor for .0492 per kwh. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the purchase of LED lighting upgrade from RLM Electric Company in the amount not to exceed $2,000.00 Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve of a one-time stipend of $1,000.00 for full-time and a sliding scale for part-time and casual not to exceed $500.00. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Flicky gives Park report.


Mr. Scharville is present to give recycling report.

Mr. Scharville explains the Christmas tree recycling program is in conjunction with the Green Team (drop off or curb pick up) 12/26/2020 thru 01/31/2021.


Mr. Robert Monus was present for this meeting.

Monthly report from October.

  • 0 new structures, valuation- $0.00; fees collected-$0.00
  • 7 additional improvements, valuation-$272,857; fees collected-$1,507
  • 0 misc. permit issued for a total of -$0.00; 0-appeals, 0-admendments, valuation-$0.00; 12 violations for the month; total valuation for the month- $272,857; total fees collected-$1,507


Mr. Tommy Monus was not present for this meeting.

Mr. Scharville presents monthly report.


Chief Goodin is present to give monthly report.


Mrs. Wollet gives thanks to all department heads for keeping everyone safe and the services that were provided. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mr. Kempers asks everyone to stay as they can.

Mr. Ungaro very much appreciated for everything.


No comments at this meeting.


Mr. Ungaro motions to adjourn at 6:36 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


Eric C. Ungaro, Chairman                                                     
Joanne Wollet, Vice Chair
Edward Kempers, Trustee                                                    
Paul J. Canter, Fiscal Officer